Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dying turtle and a memory box

Back in the summer Ted bought Michael two baby turtles. Not long after a mean neighbor kid "accidentally" crushed one with his knee. Ted was so mad and he was upset for Michael so he took Rocky to the store & they were able to "replace" his shell.The second turtle died from a dirty tank so Michael has been vigilant about making sure Rocky's tank is clean. Well this last Sunday Michael was playing with him & got distracted & Mabel the dog got him. So he has a puncture wound on the bottom of his shell & I stopped the bleeding & have been trying to nurse him back to health. He is still moving although its slow & his wound started bleeding again today. But I have seen him eat two times. I think he has a 50/50 chance. I just can't give up on him. I think because he is the special turtle that Ted got because he loves his little boy so much.
I ordered a memory box/temporary grave marker for his grave today. When I do things like this I still have a hard time. I can't help but think "Is this real? Did I really just place an order for a memory box for my Husband, Ted's GRAVE? This just has to be a dream". I wonder when I will stop having those thoughts.

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